- All times are local times (German time; UTC +2).
Tuesday 21.06.2022
18.00 - 20.00 Get Together at Freistil
Wednesday 22.06.2022
9.00-10.30 - Session chair: Michael Kaufmann
- First invited talk by Bettina Speckmann: Maps, Matrices, and Rugs: Algorithms for Rectangular Visualizations (onsite)
- Csaba Toth. Minimum Weight Euclidean $(1+\varepsilon)$-Spanners (online via Zoom) BEST PAPER
- David J. C. Dekker and Bart M. P. Jansen. Kernelization for Feedback Vertex Set via Elimination Distance to a Forest (onsite) BEST STUDENT PAPER
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:20 - Session chair: Torsten Ueckerdt
- Jakub Balabán, Petr Hlinený and Jan Jedelský. Twin-width and Transductions of Proper k-Mixed-Thin Graphs (onsite)
- Hugo Jacob and Marcin Pilipczuk. Bounding twin-width for bounded-treewidth graphs, planar graphs, and bipartite graphs (onsite)
- Dibyayan Chakraborty, L. Sunil Chandran, Sajith Padinhatteeri and Raji R.Pillai. s-Club Cluster Vertex Deletion on Interval and Well-Partitioned Chordal Graphs (onsite)
- Cornelius Brand, Esra Ceylan, Robert Ganian, Christian Hatschka and Viktoriia Korchemna. Edge-Cut Width: An Algorithmically Driven Analogue of Treewidth Based on Edge Cuts (onsite)
12:20-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:20 - Session chair: Bettina Speckmann
- Faisal Abu-Khzam, Henning Fernau and Kevin Mann. Minimal Roman Dominating Functions: Extensions and Enumeration (onsite)
- Oswin Aichholzer, Julia Obmann, Pavel Paták, Daniel Perz, Josef Tkadlec and Birgit Vogtenhuber. Disjoint Compatibility via Graph Classes (onsite)
- Mathew Francis, Atrayee Majumder and Rogers Mathew. Bounding threshold dimension: realizing graphic Boolean functions as the AND of majority functions (onsite)
- Yasuaki Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Kurita and Kunihiro Wasa. Polynomial-Delay and Polynomial-Space Enumeration of Large Maximal Matchings (online via Zoom)
15:20-15:50 Coffee break
15:50-17:10 - Session chair: Bernard Ries
- Ina Goeßmann, Jonathan Klawitter, Boris Klemz, Felix Klesen, Stephen Kobourov, Myroslav Kryven, Alexander Wolff and Johannes Zink. The Segment Number: Algorithms and Universal Lower Bounds for Some Classes of Planar Graphs (onsite)
- Fabian Klute and Marc van Kreveld. On Fully Diverse Sets of Geometric Objects and Graphs (online via Zoom)
- Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak, Karolina Okrasa and Pawel Rzazewski. Computing list homomorphisms in geometric intersection graphs (online via Zoom)
- Andreas Emil Feldmann and Tung Anh Vu. Generalized k-Center: Distinguishing Doubling and Highway Dimension (online via Zoom)
17:10-17:20 Announcements
Thursday 23.06.2022
9:00-10:20 - Session chair: Henning Fernau
- Hélène Langlois, Frédéric Meunier, Romeo Rizzi and Stéphane Vialette. Algorithmic aspects of small quasi-kernels (onsite)
- Giuseppe Liotta, Ignaz Rutter and Alessandra Tappini. Parameterized Complexity of Graph Planarity with Restricted Cyclic Orders (onsite)
- Esther Galby, Daniel Marx, Philipp Schepper, Roohani Sharma and Prafullkumar Tale. Parameterized complexity of Weighted Multicut in trees (onsite)
- Eduard Eiben, Diptapriyo Majumdar and Ramanujan M. Sridharan. On the Lossy Kernelization for Connected Treedepth Deletion Set (online via Zoom)
10:20-10:50 Coffee break
10:50-12:10 - Session chair: Petr Hliněný
- Huib Donkers, Bart M. P. Jansen and Jari J. H. de Kroon. Finding k-Secluded Trees Faster (onsite)
- Jirí Fiala, Ignaz Rutter, Peter Stumpf and Peter Zeman. Extending Partial Representations of Circular-Arc Graphs (onsite)
- Laurent Bulteau, Konrad K. Dabrowski, Noleen Köhler, Sebastian Ordyniak and Daniel Paulusma. An Algorithmic Framework for Locally Constrained Homomorphisms (onsite)
- Robert Scheffler. Linearizing Partial Search Orders (onsite)
12:10-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-14:50 - Session chair: Michael Bekos
- Second invited talk by Torsten Ueckerdt: Stack and Queue Layouts of Planar Graphs (onsite)
15:10-15:30 Group photo
15:30-17:00 Social event
18:30-22.00 Conference dinner at Boxenstop Museum
Friday 24.06.2022
9:00-10:20 - Session chair: Lena Schlipf
- R. Krithika, Roohani Sharma and Prafullkumar Tale. The Complexity of Contracting Bipartite Graphs into Small Cycles (onsite)
- Benjamin Bergougnoux, Svein Høgemo, Martin Vatshelle and Jan Arne Telle. Recognition of Linear and Star Variants of Leaf Powers is in P (onsite)
- Vikraman Arvind, Roman Nedela, Ilia Ponomarenko and Peter Zeman. Testing isomorphism of chordal graphs of bounded leafage is fixed-parameter tractable (onsite)
- Hans L. Bodlaender, Gunther Cornelissen and Marieke van der Wegen. Problems Hard for Treewidth but Easy for Stable Gonality (onsite)
10:20-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-11:40 - Session chair: Hans Bodlaender
- Sergei Kiselev, Andrey Kupavskii, Oleg Verbitsky and Maksim Zhukovskii. On anti-stochastic properties of unlabeled graphs (onsite)
- Barnaby Martin, Daniel Paulusma, Siani Smith and Erik Jan van Leeuwen. Induced Disjoint Paths and Connected Subgraphs for H-Free Graphs (online via Zoom)
- Giacomo Paesani, Daniel Paulusma and Pawel Rzazewski. Classifying Subset Feedback Vertex Set for H-Free Graphs (online via zoom)
11:40-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-13:00 - Session chair: Stephen Kobourov
- Valentin Bartier, Nicolas Bousquet, Jihad Hanna, Amer Mouawad and Sebastian Siebertz. Token sliding on graphs of girth five (onsite)
- Gabriel Duarte and Uéverton Souza. On the Minimum Cycle Cover problem on graphs with bounded co-degeneracy (onsite)
- Vera Chekan and Torsten Ueckerdt. Polychromatic Colorings of Unions of Geometric Hypergraphs (onsite)
13:00-14:00 Lunch break